Paloma Signature Beach Towel

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This beach towel, along with 3 more designs, is part of our colaboration with Maria Joannou, an imaginative artist from Athens, whose works explore the depths of human emotions and the subtleties of everyday life.

Celebrate the zest of summer with the "Paloma" beach towel, featuring soft hues and a touch of sophistication. This piece from our Sun of a Beach X Maria Joannou collection embodies elegance and a whisper of mystery, perfect for those who carry their style wherever they go.


Check here the Sun of a Beach X Maria Joannou Campaign.

Product Specification

    -Sun of a Beach X Maria Joannou collection
    -Limited edition
    -Size: 100cm x 145cm
    -100% Egyptian cotton towel
    -100% cotton poplin fabric printed with Maria's designs
    -30 degree machine wash, do not handwash, using tumble dryer helps a lot

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Made In Greece, Loved Worldwide. Your summer friend.